Point-in-Time Count
Learn what's new about the 2024 Point-in-Time Count report in ClientTrack
Table of Contents
The Point-in-Time Count (PIT) is a nationwide poll of both, sheltered and unsheltered individuals experiencing homelessness on a specific night in January. The Sheltered Point-in-Time count is required to be submitted annually. The Unsheltered Point-in-Time count is required at least bi-annually, but strongly recommended to be completed annually.
Per HUD regulations, Continuums of Care (CoCs) are required to conduct this count, encompassing individuals in Emergency Shelters, Transitional Housing, Safe Havens, and Rapid Rehousing* on a designated night within the last 10 days of January.
Who should be included in the Point-in-Time Count?
✅ Clients enrolled in an Emergency Shelter on the night of the PIT.
✅ Clients enrolled in an Emergency Shelter Night-by-Night, with a bed night on the night of the PIT.
✅ Clients enrolled in a Transitional Housing or Safe Haven program on the night of the PIT.
✅ Clients enrolled in a Rapid Rehousing program that does not have a Residential Move-in date on the night of the PIT.
Who should not be included in the Point-in-Time Count?
❌ Households counted in locations not listed on the CoC's Housing Inventory Chart (HIC)
❌ Households residing in permanent housing (PH) programs
❌ Households temporarily staying with family or friends (i.e. “doubled-up” or “couch surfing”)
❌ Households residing in housing they rent or own, that is habitable.
❌ Persons residing in institutions (e.g., jails, juvenile correction facilities, foster care, hospital beds, detox centers)
Accessing the Point-in-Time Count report
Users may access the Point-in-Time Count report by navigating to the Report Workspace > HMIS Reports > PIT Point in Time (2024) in the HMIS Admin* baseline workgroup.
Report Launch Page
Saved Report Settings
This field allows users to set their own Saved Report Settings which captures the parameters selected on the report launch page and allows users to use those same parameters again.
Configured PIT Dates
This field allows users two different ways of identifying the date for the Point-in-Time count.
- Configured PIT Dates
- Users can utilize the Configured PIT Dates. Selecting a date from the drop-down list of Configured PIT Dates allows users an easy way of using the same date when generating the PIT report. If the PIT Date is not in the Configured PIT Dates drop-down list, users can also utilize the Configured PIT Dates button above to add a new record.
- Point-in-Time Date
- Users can manually enter a Point-in-Time Date directly onto the form.
Users may choose which organizations to include in the PIT report. If running an official PIT, users can choose to select all organizations.
Users may choose which programs to include for the PIT report. If running an official PIT, users can choose to select all programs
Unsheltered Count Criteria
Individuals with this service on the date of the PIT will appear in the unsheltered count. Related assessment information must be related to the service record.
Service Code Setup
Service Codes can be reviewed via the following trail: Home Workspace > Global Administration > Setup Data Management > Service Codes
Users can search for the service they are looking for and select the service to edit.

Once editing, users will want to review the Accessing Organization(s). This field displays which organizations have access to record a service record with this service code. If all PIT organizations are not selected here, the organizations would not have been able to record any unsheltered PIT records.
Sheltered Special Population and veteran determination
If checked, the report will use the most recent universal data assessment, domestic violence assessment, and Chronic Homeless assessment created by enrolling organization for shelter special population and veteran sections. Otherwise the entry assessment will be used.
Schedule Detail Report
Checking this box will cause a button to appear that can be used to schedule a CSV export of the data for this report that in the event the main report or the details time out.
Selecting the Report option will generate the formatted Point-in-Time Count report.
Schedule Report
Selecting the Schedule Report option allows a user to schedule the formatted report to run at a later time.
Helpful Links
Helpful Links
2024 HIC and PIT Data Collection Guide
Housing Inventory Chart - ClientTrack KB Article
HIC & PIT Overview - ClientTrack KB Article
2024 HIC and PIT Data Collection Notice
February 22, 2024 PIT Office Hours - HUD Office Hours