Project Descriptor Data Element (PDDE) Report
Table of Contents
The Project Descriptor Data Element (PDDE) Report can be used to identify common project setup data quality issues that don’t align with the latest HMIS Data Standards. This report will specifically be looking to confirm if all of the information required, based on project type, is present and meets the rules set forth in the latest version of the HMIS Data Dictionary. The report will be grouped by the owning organization of the projects. Users may use the drill-down functionality to dig into any issues identified on a project level.
Report Workspace > HMIS Reports > Project Descriptor Data Element (PDDE) Report
Report Launch Page
End users can select any combination of filters to narrow the PDDE report.

Reading the Report
The report will review the project setup information across multiple projects and organizations to provide a high-level data quality review of setup data. All data reported in this report can be linked to a specific project.
The data quality information is broken up into sections based on the data element in the HMIS Data Dictionary.
As an example, the Project Information section below contains all of the data checks for 2.02/Project Information in the HMIS Data Dictionary. These checks include:
- Project Name is not null
- Project has an Operating Start Date
- Project has Continuum Project as Yes/No
- Project Type is an allowable HUD project type value
RRH Subtype is present and an allowable value
- Note: This will only populate information when the project selected is a Rapid Rehousing project.
If a project is Services Only or RRH: Services Only, the project should have a Affiliated with a Residential Project as Yes/No
- If the answer was Yes to Affiliated with a Residential Project, a ProjectID must be present
- Housing Type must be an allowable value when the project is a housing project type
- Target Population must be present and an allowable value
- HOPWA-funded Medically Assisted Facility must be present and an allowable value

This report is broken up into three main levels. These levels allow an end user to see high-level data quality checks on all organizations, all projects within an organization, and on specific projects. See below for details of each of the three levels of this report:
Level 1 - System Level (Organization & Project Overview)
This level of the report will show a snapshot of the project setup data information for all projects included in the report. This will always be represented on the first page of the report.

Level 2 - Organization Level Overview
This level of the report will show a snapshot of the project setup data information for all projects, by organization, included in the report. Users can access this layer by expanding the ‘Overall’ section.

Level 3 - Project Level Details
This level of the report will show a snapshot of the project setup data information for each project included in the report. Users can access this layer by expanding the Organization Name. Users will notice the project level displays Yes when the data quality rule is met and No or Missing in red text when the data quality rule is not met. Additionally, if a certain data quality rule is not necessary for the project type, i.e. RRH SubType is only valid for a RRH project type, the report will display N/A.