FY2024 Data Standards Updates
Learn what changes are coming with the FY24 Data Standards and how they will impact ClientTrack.
Table of Contents
HMIS Data Standards are established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and participating federal partners. The HMIS Data Dictionary is designed for HMIS (homeless management information system) vendors and HMIS Lead Agency system administrators to identify the data elements required in an HMIS. HUD updates the HMIS Data Standards every other year and the next version of Data Standards, FY2024, will be effective as of October 1, 2023.
Data Standards Updates include widespread updates of the HMIS Data Dictionary, HMIS Data Standards Manual, CSV Export files, and reporting specifications including, System Performance Measures (SPM), Longitudinal Systems Analysis (LSA), CoC APR/ESG CAPER, Coordinated Entry APR, and the PATH Annual Report.
Software vendors were provided the updated Data Dictionary and CSV specifications as of April 2023 and have been undergoing development on the updates since. Per HUD, all changes should be implemented into a sandbox environment no later than September 1, 2023 to provide communities sufficient time to train and update documentation.
This article acts as an outline of the Data Standard Update release plan for Eccovia.
For a brief overview of the FY2024 Data Standards Update in ClientTrack, please watch the video below.
Important Dates
August 31, 2023 (release notes)
Data Standard Updates will be released to customers Non-Production Environments, including testing and development environments. Customers will have the month of September to test the updates in their non-production environments, update documentation, and integrate the updates into their custom forms, workflows, and processes.
September 15, 2023
Customers should receive the Impact Report for their implementation. The impact report should outline customized/configured versions of forms, drop-down lists, workflows, and reports that may be impacted by the FY24 DSU Updates. This report can be utilized to guide system administrators in updating each item through the month of September.
In addition to the Impact Reports, Eccovia has also outlined a process around two queries that can be uploaded into your implementation. These queries are meant to compare baseline and configured workgroup forms and workflow assignments to ensure HUD compliance. These queries can be used anytime, but may be beneficial for customers during the FY24 DSU Updates. The queries and instructions can be found at the link below.
September 30, 2023 (release notes)
Data Standards Updates will be released to customers Production Environments.
August 31–September 30, 2023
There will be a sync freeze for all customers, HMIS and non-HMIS. The sync freeze is in place to prevent items that impact all customers, such as Gender and Race/Ethnicity updates, from being released prematurely.
To provide an opportunity for customers to update documentation and custom database elements with the new updates, Eccovia will implement a total sync freeze for the month of September (August 31–September 30).
Syncing from non-production environments to production environments during this time could cause errors as the underlying table structure has not yet been released to production environments. For this reason, all customers will not be able to sync to production during this time.
Syncs will resume as usual after September 30, 2023.
Scheduling a Sync
For all customers who require a sync to their production database immediately following the release of the Data Standards Update on September 30, 2023, please use the form located here to request the sync. Eccovia will work to accommodate all sync requests. All sync requests for September 30 should be submitted no later than end of day on September 22.
Any customers who do not require a sync to their production database immediately following the release of the Data Standards Updates should follow the normal process of scheduling a sync by reaching out to their client success manager.
If you are considering scheduling a sync for the first week of October, please consider requesting a sync at the link above, to take place on 9/30. Sync resources will be allocated based on the number of sync requests that are received.
Updates Impacting All Customers (HMIS & Non-HMIS)
It is critical that a software platform continues to evolve along with the needs of the organizations that use the platform. Many of the solutions Eccovia has built over the past couple of years have accounted for the many nuances of identity, including the gender inclusivity updates in 2021. In 2023, Eccovia will be continuing this work through racial equity and inclusion updates, additional gender identity values, and reframing language around a client’s preference not to answer.
Racial Equity and Inclusion
In previous years, Eccovia has maintained two separate fields for Race and Ethnicity. This standard is being updated by software vendors for communities across the country to account for additional racial identities and factor in options for individuals to select Hispanic/Latina/e/o as a racial identity without forcing users to choose between an additional racial identity or poor data quality. As of October 1, 2023, customer implementations will see the following list of options available under the newly combined Race & Ethnicity element.
- American Indian, Alaska Native, or Indigenous
- Asian or Asian American
- Black, African American, or African
- Hispanic/Latina/e/o
- Middle Eastern or North African
- Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
- White
- Client doesn’t know
- Client prefers not to answer
- Data not collected
Gender Identity
In 2021, Eccovia underwent a major change for gender identity data collection. In 2023, gender will be receiving additional gender identity options. As of October 1, customer implementations will see the following list of options available under the Gender element.
- Woman (Girl, if child)
- Man (Boy, if child)
- Culturally Specific Identity (e.g., Two-Spirit)
- Transgender
- Non-Binary
- Questioning
- Different Identity
- Client doesn’t know
- Client prefers not to answer
- Data not collected
Client Prefers Not to Answer
Users may be used to seeing an option within a majority of drop-down values that specifies the client refused to answer or disclose the information requested. As of October 1, customer implementations will see an adjustment of language in drop-down lists.
- Options previously labeled as ‘Refused’ will be updated to ‘Prefers not to answer’
- Options previously labeled as ‘Client Refused’ will be updated to ‘Client prefers not to answer’
Office Hours: Data Standards Updates
Please join Eccovia for Data Standards Update Office Hours. We'll discuss the upcoming DSU 2024 updates, demo new forms, and answer any DSU-related questions you may have. These office hours will be a less formal setting than previously hosted webinars, so please come prepared with any questions you may have.
Office hours will begin on Wednesday August 2, 2023 at 3 PM EDT and occur weekly until October 4, 2023.
The DSU Office Hours will be held in the HMIS Community of Practice on Microsoft Teams. If you do not have access to the HMIS Community of Practice, please request to be added by your Client Success Manager.
To join these office hours, you can follow the link here: DSU Office Hours
Recordings of previous DSU Office Hours can be located in the files section of the HMIS Community of Practice of Teams.
Related Articles:
Release Updates: https://help.eccovia.com/en_US/hmis/fy24-dsu-release-update
Implementation Identifier: https://help.eccovia.com/en_US/hmis/implementation-identifier
Coordinated Entry Participation Status: https://help.eccovia.com/en_US/hmis/ce-participation-status
Coordinated Entry Event: https://help.eccovia.com/en_US/hmis/coordinated-entry-event
Translation Assistance Needed: https://help.eccovia.com/en_US/hmis/translation-assistance-needed
CSV Export: https://help.eccovia.com/hmis/hmis-csv-export
FY24 Data Standards Release Update
Production Release
September 30, 2023
Release Notes (available here)
Information last updated: January 23, 2024 10:45 am EST
Submitted Issues & Status
Information last updated: January 17, 2024 10:45 am EST
Topic | Summary | Status | Estimated Release Date |
Drop Down Lists | Some drop-down lists were not updated with the correct Client prefers not to answer language. | In Progress |
Reporting Updates
Information last updated: January 23, 2024 10:45 am EST
Topic | Summary | Status | Estimated Release Date |
CSV Export v1.4 | Released early October 2023 to vendors | Released | 12/05/2023 |
LSA | Released | 11/15/2023 | |
System Performance Measures |
Original specifications developed. Pending additional updates to the format of the report by HUD. Delayed from 12/5/2023 due to additional testing needed. |
Released | 12/19/2023 |
CSV Import | Released | 12/05/2023 | |
Baseline Reports |
ADR Export Check-in Roster Client Demographics Client List Client Served with Details Enrollment Demographics Standard Intake VAWA VAWA Detail |
Released | 12/19/2023 |
Baseline Reports |
Client Profile Sheet Client Demographics CSBG Report 2017 EHR Data Quality Enrollment Barrier Family Service Demographics HMIS Data Print Out Active Client List HMIS BNL Veterans RSR Export |
Released | 1/16/2024 |
APR/CAPER Detail | Released | 12/19/2023 | |
APR/CAPER Viewer & Drill Downs |
*This is a large update because of the total number of questions updated from FY22 to FY24. We are working diligently on updating this and releasing it as soon as possible, but also want to be realist about potential timelines. This report may be delayed beyond 12/19/2023, but we are aiming for a 12/19/2023 release date. This has been delayed until the next release on 1/16/2024 in order to gain additional development and testing time. |
Released |
1/16/2024 |
CE APR Detail | Released | 12/19/2023 | |
CE APR Viewer & Drill Downs | Released | 1/16/2024 | |
PATH Annual Report (v1.2) | Released to vendors early-mid November 2023. | Released | 1/16/2024 |
2024 Point-in-Time Count | PIT/HIC notice released early-mid November 2023. | In Progress | 1/30/2024 |
SPM CSV Export |
New Update to produce one SPM CSV Export file for upload into HDX 2.0 Bumped to 1/30/2024 release to finalize the details of the Data Quality section. |
In Progress | 1/30/2024 |
Baseline Reports | In Progress | Rolling releases - January 2024 | |
Data Quality Validation | In Progress | 1/30/2024 |
Delayed Reports
HUD shared an announcement earlier this week outlining updates on HMIS Reporting. The message is shared below.
If your community is experiencing a delay in submitting your CE APR or CoC APR/ESG CAPER report in a timely manner, according to Sage, and need a letter from Eccovia, please reach out to your Client Success Manager.
Please note that the FY24 CE APR is set to be released next Tuesday, November 7, 2023.

Archived Releases:
Released Items
Release Notes (available here)
Information last updated: January 12, 2024 3:45 pm EST
Topic | Summary | ||
3.04 / Race & Ethnicity | Race & Ethnicity Page Help needs to include the additional updates | Released | 9/14/2023 |
2.02 / RRH Subtype | RRH Subtype mapping not applied correctly in the 8/31 release. | Released | 9/14/2023 |
2.09 / CE Participation Status | Search Form for administrative insight into all CE Participation Status' recorded in the system. | Released | 9/14/2023 |
HMIS Triage Workflow (2294) |
Factor in CE Participation Status as well as Project Type 14 Remove reference to HUD Ethnicity Add in new funding sources Unsheltered Special NOFO and Rural Special NOFO for applicable steps. |
Released | 9/14/2023 |
HMIS 2017 - 2022 Program Data (Missed) Assessment (1265) |
Remove reference to Utilization Tracking Method. Update reference to Project Type 0 where appropriate. Add in new funding sources Unsheltered Special NOFO and Rural Special NOFO for applicable steps. |
Released | 9/14/2023 |
HMIS 2020 / 2022 Program Add Family Member to Case (2312) |
Remove reference to Utilization Tracking Method. Update reference to Project Type 0 where appropriate. Add in new funding sources Unsheltered Special NOFO and Rural Special NOFO for applicable steps. |
Released | 9/14/2023 |
HMIS 2020/2022 Program Data Update Annual Assess. (2308) |
Remove reference to Utilization Tracking Method. Update reference to Project Type 0 where appropriate. Add in new funding sources Unsheltered Special NOFO and Rural Special NOFO for applicable steps. |
Released | 9/14/2023 |
HMIS 2020/2022 Streamlined Program Data Exit (2297) |
Remove reference to Utilization Tracking Method. Update reference to Project Type 0 where appropriate. Add in new funding sources Unsheltered Special NOFO and Rural Special NOFO for applicable steps. |
Released | 9/14/2023 |
HMIS 2020/2022 Program Data (2298) | Released | 9/14/2023 | |
HMIS 2022 Program Data Assessment (2296) |
Remove reference to Utilization Tracking Method. Update reference to Project Type 0 where appropriate. Add in new funding sources Unsheltered Special NOFO and Rural Special NOFO for applicable steps. |
Released | 9/14/2023 |
2.09 / CE Participation Status | CE Participation Status End Date is appearing as required when it shouldn't be. | Released | 9/22/2023 |
2.02 / Project Information | Project Type 0 not appearing for Workflow project selection | Released | 9/22/2023 |
V5 / Last Permanent Address | Last Permanent Address is still appearing on the Universal Data Assessment for SSVF funded projects. | Released | 9/22/2023 |
5.10 / Implementation Identifier | AJAX Error when saving the form. Does not impact data being saved, but should be resolved. | Released | 9/22/2023 |
2.08 / HMIS Participation Status | End Date is displaying 12/31/9999 instead of being blank | Released | 9/22/2023 |
2.09 / CE Participation | When CE Participation is selected as ‘Yes’ to being an access point, project is excluded from Program Enrollment form. Issue is with missing variable in Intake Workflow. | Released | 9/22/2023 |
3.917 / Prior Living Situation | Approximate Date Homelessness started was not updated on Form 5059 | Released | 9/22/2023 |
Drop-Down Lists | DDL 3028 & 3377 not updated with Client prefers not to answer | Released | 9/22/2023 |
4.02 / Income and Sources | Form update to accompany the workflow update to display Income and Sources when project is funded by new Special NOFO funding sources | Released | 9/22/2023 |
V3 / SSVF Financial Assistance | Financial Assistance Start & End Date not displaying on Services, Quick Services, and Quick Services Multiple Clients forms. | Released | 9/22/2023 |
R3 / Sexual Orientation | RHY Entry Assessment (Form 5050) is receiving an error when navigating to the form. | Released | 9/30/2023 |
2.09 / CE Participation Status |
Add records to production databases for all projects Multi-Edit form to update CE Participation Status records across multiple programs |
Released | 9/30/2023 |
V3 / SSVF Financial Assistance Type | Element displaying for Financial Assistance Type incorrectly on form 4337 | Released | 9/30/2023 |
R3 / Sexual Orientation | Instructions updated for RHY Entry Assessment step to clarify that the form is also used for CoC PSH, Unsheltered Special NOFO and Rural Special NOFO funded projects. | Released | 9/30/2023 |
3.917 A/B Prior Living Situation | Compliance Crosswalk did not include a mapping for Data Not Collected. Now available and mapped appropriately. | Released | 9/30/2023 |
Compliance Crosswalks | Any compliance crosswalks with a crosswalk mapped for FY2022 has an updated FY2024 crosswalk mapping | Released | 9/30/2023 |
V1 / Veteran Information 3.01 / Name Data Quality |
Help text for Name Data Quality and Veteran Status updated for FY2024 | Released | 9/30/2023 |
C4 / Translation Assistance Needed | Typo for Data Not Collected and Portuguese | Released | 9/30/2023 |
R17 / Project Completion Status | Project Completion Status not appearing for Project Type 0 / Emergency Shelter - Entry/Exit | Released | 9/30/2023 |
3.04 & 3.06 / Race & Ethnicity & Gender | Additional Race & Ethnicity text box, and Different Identity text box not displaying on Add Family Members form (new form 5088) | Released | 9/30/2023 |
C4 / Translation Assistance Needed | Translation Assistance Needed needs to be added to the Review Entry Assessments tab and Well-being Assessment needs to be removed | Released | 9/30/2023 |
R17 / Project Completion Status | List 3113 not updated with Client instead of Youth. | Released | 9/30/2023 |
3.01 / Name Data Quality | Help text for Name Data Quality needs to be updated with new Client Prefers Not to Answer language. Form 5046 | Released | 9/30/2023 |
Workflows | HUDOverride=1 is causing the Project Selection on the program enrollment form to display information incorrectly. | Released | 9/30/2023 |
3.917 / Prior Living Situation | Prior Living Situation dependent fields not populating for Project Type 1 | Released | 9/30/2023 |
HUD Data Quality Report | Released | 9/30/2023 | |
C4 / Translation Assistance Needed | Add Translation Assistance Needed to the Review Entry Assessments form. Remove Well-being assessment from Review Entry Assessments | Released | 9/30/2023 |
PATH Annual Report | Delayed from 10/5/2023 release to 10/10/2023 | Released | 10/5/2023 |
CSV Export |
RHY and SSVF Export are included under the CSV Export umbrella. Delayed from 10/5/2023 release to 10/10/2023 Find addition information on the CSV Export here: HMIS CSV Export |
Released | 10/5/2023 |
V7 / HP Targeting Criteria | SSVF Funded projects not triggering the Income step of workflow 2321. | Released | 10/5/2023 |
2.02 / Project Information | Program Relation sub-form (Form ID 3679) wasn't populating for new Program Type 0 / Emergency Shelter Entry-Exit | Released | 10/20/2023 |
C4 / Translation Assistance Needed | Different Preferred Language text box is being populated for incorrect language values. | Released | 10/20/2023 |
CoC APR/ESG CAPER | Released | 10/20/2023 | |
Data Quality Report | Q2 - Client with valid last 4 of SSN was incorrectly counted in the total column for Overall Score. | Released | 11/6/2023 |
4.04 / Health Insurance | Drop-down list for Health Insurance needed to be updated from Military Insurance to Veterans Health Administration (VHA) | Released | 11/6/2023 |
CE APR | Released | 11/6/2023 | |
CSV Export v1.3 | Released | 11/6/2023 | |
4.04 / Health Insurance | List 2257 / Health Insurance Types need to be updated from Military Insurance to Veterans Health Administration (VHA) | Released | 12/5/2023 |
R20 / Aftercare Assessment | Aftercare assessment not populating for project type 0 | Released | 12/19/2023 |
R18 / Counseling R19 / Safe and Appropriate Exit |
Assessments are not populating correctly for Project Type 0 in the exit workflow. | Released | 1/16/2024 |
C4 / Translation Assistance Needed | Newly released v1.3 of the Data Dictionary specifies that Translation Assistance Needed should be collected for HOWPA funded projects as well. | Released | 1/16/2024 |
3.20 / Housing Move-in Date 4.13 / Date of Engagement |
Error message on the Program Enrollment form (Form 4332 & Subform 5063) when saving an enrollment without a move-in date. Rule for Date of Engagement was updated to hide Date of Engagement for any project type and funding source combination not outlined in the HUD Spec. |
Released | 1/16/2024 |
9/14 Release
Release Notes (available here)
Information last updated: September 14, 2023 1:30 pm EST
Topic | Summary |
2.09 / CE Participation Status | Search Form for administrative insight into all CE Participation Status' recorded in the system. |
3.04 / Race & Ethnicity | Race & Ethnicity Page Help needs to include the additional updates |
2.02 / RRH Subtype | RRH Subtype mapping not applied correctly in the 8/31 release. |
HMIS Triage Workflow (2294) |
Factor in CE Participation Status as well as Project Type 14 Remove reference to HUD Ethnicity Add in new funding sources Unsheltered Special NOFO and Rural Special NOFO for applicable steps. |
HMIS 2017 - 2022 Program Data (Missed) Assessment (1265) |
Remove reference to Utilization Tracking Method. Update reference to Project Type 0 where appropriate. Add in new funding sources Unsheltered Special NOFO and Rural Special NOFO for applicable steps. |
HMIS 2020 / 2022 Program Add Family Member to Case (2312) |
Remove reference to Utilization Tracking Method. Update reference to Project Type 0 where appropriate. Add in new funding sources Unsheltered Special NOFO and Rural Special NOFO for applicable steps. |
HMIS 2020/2022 Program Data Update Annual Assess. (2308) |
Remove reference to Utilization Tracking Method. Update reference to Project Type 0 where appropriate. Add in new funding sources Unsheltered Special NOFO and Rural Special NOFO for applicable steps. |
HMIS 2020/2022 Streamlined Program Data Exit (2297) |
Remove reference to Utilization Tracking Method. Update reference to Project Type 0 where appropriate. Add in new funding sources Unsheltered Special NOFO and Rural Special NOFO for applicable steps. |
HMIS 2020/2022 Program Data (2298) | |
HMIS 2022 Program Data Assessment (2296) |
Remove reference to Utilization Tracking Method. Update reference to Project Type 0 where appropriate. Add in new funding sources Unsheltered Special NOFO and Rural Special NOFO for applicable steps. |
9/22 Release
Release Notes (available here)
Information last updated: September 25, 2023 11:30 am EST
Topic | Summary |
4.02 / Income and Sources | Form update to accompany the workflow update to display Income and Sources when project is funded by new Special NOFO funding sources |
V3 / SSVF Financial Assistance | Financial Assistance Start & End Date not displaying on Services, Quick Services, and Quick Services Multiple Clients forms. |
2.08 / HMIS Participation Status | End Date is displaying 12/31/9999 instead of being blank |
2.09 / CE Participation | When CE Participation is selected as ‘Yes’ to being an access point, project is excluded from Program Enrollment form. Issue is with missing variable in Intake Workflow. |
3.917 / Prior Living Situation | Approximate Date Homelessness started was not updated on Form 5059 |
Drop-Down Lists | DDL 3028 & 3377 not updated with Client prefers not to answer |
2.09 / CE Participation Status | CE Participation Status End Date is appearing as required when it shouldn't be. |
2.02 / Project Information | Project Type 0 not appearing for Workflow project selection |
V5 / Last Permanent Address | Last Permanent Address is still appearing on the Universal Data Assessment for SSVF funded projects. |
5.10 / Implementation Identifier | AJAX Error when saving the form. Does not impact data being saved, but should be resolved. |
9/30 Release
Release Notes (available here)
Information last updated: September 29 2023 6:30 pm EST
Topic | Summary |
3.917 / Prior Living Situation | Prior Living Situation dependent fields not populating for Project Type 1 |
R3 / Sexual Orientation | RHY Entry Assessment (Form 5050) is receiving an error when navigating to the form. |
2.09 / CE Participation Status |
Add records to production databases for all projects Multi-Edit form to update CE Participation Status records across multiple programs |
V3 / SSVF Financial Assistance Type | Element displaying for Financial Assistance Type incorrectly on form 4337 |
R3 / Sexual Orientation | Instructions updated for RHY Entry Assessment step to clarify that the form is also used for CoC PSH, Unsheltered Special NOFO and Rural Special NOFO funded projects. |
3.917 A/B Prior Living Situation | Compliance Crosswalk did not include a mapping for Data Not Collected. Now available and mapped appropriately. |
Compliance Crosswalks | Any compliance crosswalks with a crosswalk mapped for FY2022 has an updated FY2024 crosswalk mapping |
V1 / Veteran Information 3.01 / Name Data Quality |
Help text for Name Data Quality and Veteran Status updated for FY2024 |
C4 / Translation Assistance Needed | Typo for Data Not Collected and Portuguese |
R17 / Project Completion Status | Project Completion Status not appearing for Project Type 0 / Emergency Shelter - Entry/Exit |
3.04 & 3.06 / Race & Ethnicity & Gender | Additional Race & Ethnicity text box, and Different Identity text box not displaying on Add Family Members form (new form 5088) |
C4 / Translation Assistance Needed | Translation Assistance Needed needs to be added to the Review Entry Assessments tab and Well-being Assessment needs to be removed |
R17 / Project Completion Status | List 3113 not updated with Client instead of Youth. |
3.01 / Name Data Quality | Help text for Name Data Quality needs to be updated with new Client Prefers Not to Answer language. Form 5046 |
Workflows | HUDOverride=1 is causing the Project Selection on the program enrollment form to display information incorrectly. |
C4 / Translation Assistance Needed | Add Translation Assistance Needed to the Review Entry Assessments form. Remove Well-being assessment from Review Entry Assessments |
HUD Data Quality Report | FY2024 Updates |
10/20 Release
Release Notes (available here)
Information last updated: October 20, 2023 3:15 pm EST
Topic | Summary |
2.02 / Project Information | Program Relation sub-form (Form ID 3679) wasn't populating for new Program Type 0 / Emergency Shelter Entry-Exit |
C4 / Translation Assistance Needed | Different Preferred Language text box is being populated for incorrect language values. |
CoC APR/ESG CAPER | CoC APR/ESG CAPER Reports have been updated to the FY 2024 CoC APR and ESG CAPER HMIS Programming Specifications Version 1.0 |
Submitting an Issue
If an issue is discovered on a baseline form, workflow, drop-down list, etc., and is suspected to be related to the Data Standards Update, please submit an issue ticket, within your system, with the following information:
- FY24 DSU in the subject line
- Relevant Names & IDs - for example, Form ID, Workflow ID, Drop-Down List ID
- Description of the issue
- Screenshot of the issue
- Check the ‘Send to ClientTrack' checkbox
Issues submitted to support will then be shared with the engineering and product team to identify common issues for prioritization. Common/Known issues will be updated at the top of this article with a description of the issue and a potential release date.
Baseline Language List and Mapping
Many customers have asked for a comprehensive list of the baseline language list, list 310, and how those values map to the HMIS C4 Translation Assistance Needed Supplemental list. Available for download below is a list of the combo box value and description for the ClientTrack value as well as the standard value mapping to the HUD value.
Baseline Lists
The baseline lists outlined below are the pre-FY2024 lists. Each of these lists were used to compare between the expected baseline list descriptions and the list descriptions that were in your environment. If the list in your environment did not match these, it was considered to be a modified baseline list, and therefore did not receive the FY24 DSU Updates.
A downloadable copy of these lists can be found here.
List 310 / Languages
- English
- Spanish
- Vietnamese
- Other Chinese Language
- Portugese
- German
- French
- Russian
- American Sign Language
- Cantonese
- Japanese
- Korean
- Tagalog
- Other Sign Language
- Mandarin
- Cambodian
- Armenian
- Ilacano
- Mien
- Hmong
- Lao
- Turkish
- Hebrew
- Polish
- Italian
- Arabic
- Samoan
- Thai
- Farsi
- Mixtexo
- Other Non-English Language
List 1 / Gender
- Female
- Male
- A gender other than singularly female or male (e.g., non-binary, genderfluid, agender, culturally specific gender)
- Transgender
- Questioning
- Client doesn't know
- Client refused
- Data not collected
List 2591 / Race & Ethnicity
- American Indian, Alaska Native, or Indigenous
- Asian or Asian American
- Black, African American, or African
- Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
- White
- Client doesn't know
- Client refused
- Data not collected